Episodic ataxia (EA) is a clinically heterogeneous group of disorders that are characterized by recurrent spells of truncal ataxia and incoordination lasting minutes to hours. Most have an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. To date, 8 subtypes have been defined according to clinical and genetic characteristics, and five genes are known to be linked to EAs. Both EA1 and EA2, which are caused by mutations in KCNA1 and CACNA1A, account for the majority of EA, but many patients with no identified mutations still exhibit EA-like clinical features. Furthermore, genetically confirmed EAs have mostly been identified in Caucasian families. In this article, we review the current knowledge on the clinical and genetic characteristics of EAs. Additionally, we summarize the phenotypic features of the genetically confirmed EA2 families in Korea.
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Clinical Spectrum of KCNA1 Mutations: New Insights into Episodic Ataxia and Epilepsy Comorbidity Kelsey Paulhus, Lauren Ammerman, Edward Glasscock International Journal of Molecular Sciences.2020; 21(8): 2802. CrossRef
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Clinical manifestations of episodic ataxia type 5 Miguel González Sánchez, Silvia Izquierdo, Sara Álvarez, Rosa Eva Bautista Alonso, José Berciano, José Gazulla Neurology Clinical Practice.2019; 9(6): 503. CrossRef
Pearls & Oy-sters: Paroxysmal dysarthria-ataxia syndrome Annalisa Gessani, Francesco Cavallieri, Carla Budriesi, Elisabetta Zucchi, Marcella Malagoli, Sara Contardi, Maria Teresa Mascia, Giada Giovannini, Jessica Mandrioli Neurology.2019;[Epub] CrossRef
Consensus Paper: Neurophysiological Assessments of Ataxias in Daily Practice W. Ilg, M. Branscheidt, A. Butala, P. Celnik, L. de Paola, F. B. Horak, L. Schöls, H. A. G. Teive, A. P. Vogel, D. S. Zee, D. Timmann The Cerebellum.2018; 17(5): 628. CrossRef
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Episodic Ataxia Type 1 (K‐channelopathy) Manifesting as Paroxysmal Nonkinesogenic Dyskinesia: Expanding the Phenotype Kallol K. Set, Debabrata Ghosh, A.H.M. Huq, Aimee F. Luat Movement Disorders Clinical Practice.2017; 4(5): 784. CrossRef
Genetic Variants Associated with Episodic Ataxia in Korea Kwang-Dong Choi, Ji-Soo Kim, Hyo-Jung Kim, Ileok Jung, Seong-Hae Jeong, Seung-Han Lee, Dong Uk Kim, Sang-Ho Kim, Seo Young Choi, Jin-Hong Shin, Dae-Seong Kim, Kyung-Pil Park, Hyang-Sook Kim, Jae-Hwan Choi Scientific Reports.2017;[Epub] CrossRef
Episodic dizziness and vertigo Štefan Sivák Neurologie pro praxi.2017; 18(3): 156. CrossRef
Gene therapy is a potential therapeutic strategy for treating hereditary movement disorders, including hereditary ataxia, dystonia, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Genome editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted or replaced in the genome using modified nucleases. Recently, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat/CRISPR associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) has been used as an essential tool in biotechnology. Cas9 is an RNA-guided DNA endonuclease enzyme that was originally associated with the adaptive immune system of Streptococcus pyogenes and is now being utilized as a genome editing tool to induce double strand breaks in DNA. CRISPR/Cas9 has advantages in terms of clinical applicability over other genome editing technologies such as zinc-finger nucleases and transcription activator-like effector nucleases because of easy in vivo delivery. Here, we review and discuss the applicability of CRISPR/Cas9 to preclinical studies or gene therapy in hereditary movement disorders.
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Objective We sought to identify whether the characteristics of long-term visit-to-visit blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) are related to baseline cognitive profiles in, Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Methods We selected drug-naïve PD patients who visited our hospital at least 10 times with a baseline assessment of the Seoul neuropsychological battery. BP and HR were measured at each visit, and the variability of the systolic BP/diastolic BP (DBP) and HR was derived from the parameters of serial 10 office visits. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in PD patients was determined according to the proposed criteria with a cut-off value of z-score ≤ -2.
Results Forty-seven patients with PD (mean follow-up duration = 22.3 months) were enrolled in the study. Compared with non-MCI PD patients, MCI PD patients revealed a significant increase in HR and/or variability in DBP.
Conclusion This exploratory study showed that baseline cognition in drug-naïve PD patients might be related to the visit-to-visit variability of DBP and/or HR.
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Backward Gait is Associated with Motor Symptoms and Fear of Falling in Patients withDe NovoParkinson's Disease Kyum-Yil Kwon, Suyeon Park, Hye Mi Lee, Young-Min Park, Jinhee Kim, Jaehwan Kim, Seong-Beom Koh Journal of Clinical Neurology.2019; 15(4): 473. CrossRef
Objective To explore whether the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) can be used to screen for dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in less educated patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Methods We reviewed the medical records of PD patients who had taken the Korean MMSE (K-MMSE), Korean MoCA (K-MoCA), and comprehensive neuropsychological tests. Predictive values of the K-MMSE and K-MoCA for dementia or MCI were analyzed in groups divided by educational level.
Results The discriminative powers of the K-MMSE and K-MoCA were excellent [area under the curve (AUC) 0.86–0.97] for detecting dementia but not for detecting MCI (AUC 0.64–0.85). The optimal screening cutoff values of both tests increased with educational level for dementia (K-MMSE < 15 for illiterate, < 20 for 0.5–3 years of education, < 23 for 4–6 years, < 25 for 7–9 years, and < 26 for 10 years or more; K-MoCA < 7 for illiterate, < 13 for 0.5–3 years, < 16 for 4–6 years, < 19 for 7–9 years, < 20 for 10 years or more) and MCI (K-MMSE < 19 for illiterate, < 26 for 0.5–3 years, < 27 for 4–6 years, < 28 for 7–9 years, and < 29 for 10 years or more; K-MoCA < 13 for illiterate, < 21 for 0.5–3 years, < 23 for 4–6 years, < 25 for 7–9 years, < 26 for 10 years or more).
Conclusion Both MMSE and MoCA can be used to screen for dementia in patients with PD, regardless of educational level; however, neither test is sufficient to discriminate MCI from normal cognition without additional information.
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Annonaceae Consumption Worsens Disease Severity and Cognitive Deficits in Degenerative Parkinsonism Laurent Cleret de Langavant, Emmanuel Roze, Aimée Petit, Benoit Tressières, Amin Gharbi‐Meliani, Hugo Chaumont, Patrick Pierre Michel, Anne‐Catherine Bachoud‐Lévi, Philippe Remy, Régine Edragas, Annie Lannuzel Movement Disorders.2022; 37(12): 2355. CrossRef
Obesity marker trajectories and cognitive impairment in older adults: a 10-year follow-up in Taichung community health study for elders Tsai-Chung Li, Chia-Ing Li, Chiu-Shong Liu, Chih-Hsueh Lin, Shing-Yu Yang, Cheng-Chieh Lin BMC Psychiatry.2022;[Epub] CrossRef
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Lack of association between proton pump inhibitor use and brain aging: a cross-sectional study Nayeon Ahn, Stefan Frenzel, Katharina Wittfeld, Robin Bülow, Henry Völzke, Markus M. Lerch, Jean-Francois Chenot, Ulf Schminke, Michael Nolde, Ute Amann, Christa Meisinger, Jakob Linseisen, Sebastian E. Baumeister, Hans Jörgen Grabe, Ina-Maria Rückert-Ehe European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.2021; 77(7): 1039. CrossRef
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Extra-basal ganglia iron content and non-motor symptoms in drug-naïve, early Parkinson’s disease Minkyeong Kim, Seulki Yoo, Doyeon Kim, Jin Whan Cho, Ji Sun Kim, Jong Hyun Ahn, Jun Kyu Mun, Inyoung Choi, Seung-Kyun Lee, Jinyoung Youn Neurological Sciences.2021; 42(12): 5297. CrossRef
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Parkinsonian Symptoms, Not Dyskinesia, Negatively Affect Active Life Participation of Dyskinetic Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Etienne Goubault, Sarah Bogard, Pierre J. Blanchet, Erwan Bézard, Claude Vincent, Davide Martino, Justyna Sarna, Oury Monchi, Christian Duval Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements.2020;[Epub] CrossRef
Cortical thinning pattern according to differential nigrosome involvement in patients with Parkinson’s disease Na-Young Shin, Bo-Hyun Kim, Eunkyeong Yun, Uicheul Yoon, Jong-Min Lee, Young Hee Sung, Eung Yeop Kim NeuroImage: Clinical.2020; 28: 102382. CrossRef
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The changes of exercise pattern and clinical symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease in the era of COVID-19 pandemic Joomee Song, Jong Hyeon Ahn, Inyoung Choi, Jun Kyu Mun, Jin Whan Cho, Jinyoung Youn Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.2020; 80: 148. CrossRef
Pesticide exposure and cognitive decline in a rural South Korean population Jae-Yeop Kim, Sung-jin Park, Sung-Kyung Kim, Chang-Soo Kim, Tae-Hei Kim, Seong-Ho Min, Sung-Soo Oh, Sang-Baek Koh, Stephen D. Ginsberg PLOS ONE.2019; 14(3): e0213738. CrossRef
Cut-off points of the Portuguese version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment for cognitive evaluation in Parkinson’s disease Kelson James Almeida, Larissa Clementino Leite de Sá Carvalho, Tomásia Henrique Oliveira de Holanda Monteiro, Paulo Cesar de Jesus Gonçalves Júnior, Raimundo Nonato Campos-Sousa Dementia & Neuropsychologia.2019; 13(2): 210. CrossRef
Effects of Acupuncture Therapy on MCI Patients Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Usman Ghafoor, Jun-Hwan Lee, Keum-Shik Hong, Sang-Soo Park, Jieun Kim, Ho-Ryong Yoo Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.2019;[Epub] CrossRef
Validation of the Conversion between the Mini-Mental State Examination and Montreal Cognitive assessment in Korean Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Ryul Kim, Han-Joon Kim, Aryun Kim, Mi-Hee Jang, Hyun Jeong Kim, Beomseok Jeon Journal of Movement Disorders.2018; 11(1): 30. CrossRef
Further evidence for a distinctive atypical degenerative parkinsonism in the Caribbean: A new cluster in the French West Indian Island of Martinique Annie Lannuzel, Régine Edragas, Angéla Lackmy, Benoit Tressières, Véronique Pelonde, Mireille Edimo Nana Kaptué, Sylvie Mécharles, Alexis Demas, Billy François, Eavan McGovern, Marie Vidailhet, Bertrand Gaymard, Emmanuel Roze Journal of the Neurological Sciences.2018; 388: 214. CrossRef
Follow-up of the manganese-exposed workers healthy cohort (MEWHC) and biobank management from 2011 to 2017 in China Yanting Zhou, Xiaoting Ge, Yuefei Shen, Lian Qin, Yaoqiu Zhong, Chao Jiang, Cheng Su, Jinyu Huang, Suzhen Lin, Defu Li, Hong Cheng, Fu Wei, Songfeng Ou, Yunfeng Zou, Xiaobo Yang BMC Public Health.2018;[Epub] CrossRef
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Validation of MoCA-MMSE Conversion Scales in Korean Patients with Cognitive Impairments Young Ik Jung, Eun Hye Jeong, Heejin Lee, Junghee Seo, Hyun-Jeong Yu, Jin Y. Hong, Mun Kyung Sunwoo Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders.2018; 17(4): 148. CrossRef
Validation of the Korean Version of the Scale for Outcomes in Parkinson’s Disease-Autonomic Ji-Young Kim, In-Uk Song, Seong-Beom Koh, Tae-Beom Ahn, Sang Jin Kim, Sang-Myung Cheon, Jin Whan Cho, Yun Joong Kim, Hyeo-Il Ma, Mee-Young Park, Jong Sam Baik, Phil Hyu Lee, Sun Ju Chung, Jong-Min Kim, Han-Joon Kim, Young-Hee Sung, Do Young Kwon, Jae-Hyeo Journal of Movement Disorders.2017; 10(1): 29. CrossRef
Objective Falls are a devastating consequence of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and are due to motor imbalance. However, the frequency of falls and their risk factors among Nigerians with PD is not known despite the significant increase in PD cases in the country. To assess fall risk factors and frequency in Nigerian PD patients.
Methods Using an analytical design to compare falling versus non-falling patients, 81 PD patients were assessed for clinical factors, frequency of falls, and candidate risk factors for falls according to the Tinetti Balance and Gait, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale subsection 1, and Timed Up and Go Tests. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses were performed at the 95% confidence level.
Results The mean age of participants was 65.6 ± 9.7 years. Falls were about three times (p < 0.001) more common in PD patients. Of the falling patients, 67.7% sustained injuries, 67.7% had recurrent falls and 44.9% admitted to having a fear of falling. The independent statistical predictors of fall were fear of falling [odds ratio (OR): 3.86], disease severity (OR: 1.09) and disease duration (OR: 1.01).
Conclusion The frequency of falls in PD patients was significantly higher when compared with the healthy adult population, and the modifiable predictor was fear of falling with a potential to significantly reduce falls when strategically addressed.
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Concept Mapping to Define Components for an Occupation-Based Intervention for Parkinson’s Disease and Anxiety Christopher J. Lovegrove, Ingrid H.W.M. Sturkenboom, Jonathan Marsden, Katrina Bannigan Journal of Parkinson’s Disease.2024; 14(1): 181. CrossRef
Risk factors for falls in Parkinson's disease and other parkinsonisms Aleksandra Buczek, Michał Borończyk, Patrycja Hudzińska, Hubert Bigajski, Alicja Białas, Wiktoria Balcerzak, Klaudia Marcinkiewicz, Jakub Milczarek, Joanna Siuda Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics Plus.2024; 1(4): 100054. CrossRef
α‐Synuclein aggregation causes muscle atrophy through neuromuscular junction degeneration Qiumei Yang, Yanyan Wang, Chunsong Zhao, Shimin Pang, Jing Lu, Piu Chan Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.2023; 14(1): 226. CrossRef
Toxin Induced Parkinsonism and Hospitalization Related Adverse Outcome Mitigation for Parkinson’s Disease: A Comprehensive Review Kenneth R. Dalton, Charles J. Kidd, Nawaz Hack Journal of Clinical Medicine.2023; 12(3): 1074. CrossRef
Smart Assistance to Reduce the Fear of Falling in Parkinson Patients Using IoT Pratik Bhattacharjee, Suparna Biswas, Samiran Chattopadhyay, Sandip Roy, Sandip Chakraborty Wireless Personal Communications.2023; 130(1): 281. CrossRef
Frequency, pattern and predictors of cognitive impairments in patients with Parkinson’s disease using the Community Screening Instrument for Dementia Ewere Marie Ogbimi, Fatai Momodu Akemokwe, Olubunmi Ogunrin Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.2023;[Epub] CrossRef
Cognitive status and sleep quality can explain the fear of falling and fall history in people with Parkinson’s disease Nesreen Alissa, Reem Rehan, Alham Al-Sharman, Mariem Latrous, Ala’ S Aburub, Khalid El-Salem, Linzette Morris, Hanan Khalil International Journal of Rehabilitation Research.2023; 46(4): 338. CrossRef
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Clinical correlates of sarcopenia and falls in Parkinson’s disease Danielle Pessoa Lima, Samuel Brito de Almeida, Janine de Carvalho Bonfadini, João Rafael Gomes de Luna, Madeleine Sales de Alencar, Edilberto Barreira Pinheiro-Neto, Antonio Brazil Viana-Júnior, Samuel Ranieri Oliveira Veras, Manoel Alves Sobreira-Neto, J PLOS ONE.2020; 15(3): e0227238. CrossRef
Parkinson's Disease Research on the African Continent: Obstacles and Opportunities Marieke C. J. Dekker, Toumany Coulibaly, Soraya Bardien, Owen A. Ross, Jonathan Carr, Morenikeji Komolafe Frontiers in Neurology.2020;[Epub] CrossRef
Parkinson's disease in Nigeria: A review of published studies and recommendations for future research Oluwafemi G. Oluwole, Helena Kuivaniemi, Jonathan A. Carr, Owen A. Ross, Matthew O.B. Olaogun, Soraya Bardien, Morenikeji A. Komolafe Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.2019; 62: 36. CrossRef
Predictive Factors of Concerns about Falling in People with Parkinson’s Disease: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study Magnus Lindh-Rengifo, Stina B. Jonasson, Niklas Mattsson, Susann Ullén, Maria H. Nilsson Parkinson's Disease.2019; 2019: 1. CrossRef
Objective The survival of Huntington’s disease (HD) patients is reported to be 15–20 years. However, most studies on the survival of HD have been conducted in patients without genetic confirmation with the possible inclusion of non-HD patients, and all studies have been conducted in Western countries. The survival of patients with HD in East Asia, where its prevalence is 10–50-fold lower compared with Western populations, has not yet been reported.
Methods Forty-seven genetically confirmed Korean HD patients from independent families were included in this retrospective medical record review study.
Results The mean age at onset among the 47 patients was 46.1 ± 14.0 years. At the time of data collection, 25 patients had died, and these patients had a mean age at death of 57.8 ± 13.7 years. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the median survival from onset in the 47 patients was 14.5 years (95% confidence interval: 12.3–16.6). None of the following factors were associated with the survival time in the univariate Cox regression analysis: gender, age at onset, normal CAG repeat size, mutant CAG repeat size, and the absence or presence of non-motor symptoms at onset.
Conclusion This is the first Asian study on survival in HD patients. Survival in Korean HD patients may be shorter than that reported for Western populations, or at least is in the lower range of expected survival. A larger longitudinal observation study is needed to confirm the results found in this study.
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