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Efficacy and Safety of Taltirelin Hydrate in Patients With Ataxia Due to Spinocerebellar Degeneration
Jin Whan Cho, Jee-Young Lee, Han-Joon Kim, Joong-Seok Kim, Kun-Woo Park, Seong-Min Choi, Chul Hyoung Lyoo, Seong-Beom Koh
J Mov Disord. 2025;18(1):35-44.   Published online October 21, 2024
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We conducted this study to assess the efficacy and safety of taltirelin hydrate (TH) in patients with ataxia due to spinocerebellar degeneration (SCD).
Patients were randomly assigned to either the taltirelin group (5 mg orally, twice daily) or the control group. The primary endpoint was the change in the Korean version of the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (K-SARA) score at 24 weeks. The secondary endpoints included changes in the K-SARA score at 4 and 12 weeks as well as the Clinical Global Impression Scale, the five-level version of the EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire, the Tinetti balance test, and gait analysis at 4, 12, and 24 weeks.
A total of 149 patients (hereditary:nonhereditary=86:63) were enrolled. There were significant differences in the change in the K-SARA score at 24 weeks from baseline between the taltirelin group and the control group (-0.51±2.79 versus 0.36±2.62, respectively; p=0.0321). For the K-SARA items, the taltirelin group had significantly lower “Stance” and “Speech disturbance” subscores than the control group (-0.04±0.89 versus 0.23±0.79 and -0.07±0.74 versus 0.18±0.67; p=0.0270 and 0.0130, respectively). However, there were no significant differences in changes in other secondary efficacy outcome measures at 24 weeks from baseline between the two treatment arms (p>0.05).
Clinicians might consider the use of TH in the treatment of patients with ataxia due to SCD.
Case Report
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Novel Compound Heterozygous Mutations in the SYNE1 Gene in a Taiwanese Family: A Case Report and Literature Review
Chia-Yan Kuo, Pei Shan Yu, Chih-Ying Chao, Chun-Chieh Wang, Wen-Lang Fan, Yih-Ru Wu
J Mov Disord. 2023;16(2):202-206.   Published online April 26, 2023
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Mutations in the synaptic nuclear envelope protein 1 (SYNE1) gene are associated with substantial clinical heterogeneity. Here, we report the first case of SYNE1 ataxia in Taiwan due to two novel truncating mutations. Our patient, a 53-year-old female, exhibited pure cerebellar ataxia with c.1922del in exon 18 and c. C3883T mutations in exon 31. Previous studies have indicated that the prevalence of SYNE1 ataxia among East Asian populations is low. In this study, we identified 27 cases of SYNE1 ataxia from 22 families in East Asia. Of the 28 patients recruited in this study (including our patient), 10 exhibited pure cerebellar ataxia, and 18 exhibited ataxia plus syndromes. We could not find an exact correlation between genotypes and phenotypes. Additionally, we established a precise molecular diagnosis in our patient’s family and extended the findings on the ethnic, phenotypic, and genotypic diversity of the SYNE1 mutational spectrum.
Brief communication
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Validity and Reliability of the Korean-Translated Version of the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale in Cerebellar Ataxia
Jinse Park, Jin Whan Cho, Jinyoung Youn, Engseok Oh, Wooyoung Jang, Joong-Seok Kim, Yoon-Sang Oh, Hyungyoung Hwang, Chang-Hwan Ryu, Jin-Young Ahn, Jee-Young Lee, Seong-Beom Koh, Jae H. Park, Hee-Tae Kim
J Mov Disord. 2023;16(1):86-90.   Published online December 20, 2022
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The International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) is a semiquantitative clinical scale for ataxia that is widely used in numerous countries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the Korean-translated version of the ICARS.
Eighty-eight patients who presented with cerebellar ataxia were enrolled. We investigated the construct validity using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). We also investigated the internal consistency using Cronbach’s α and intrarater and interrater reliability using intraclass correlation coefficients.
The Korean-translated ICARS showed satisfactory construct validity using EFA and CFA. It also revealed good interrater and intrarater reliability and showed acceptable internal consistency. However, subscale 4 for assessing oculomotor disorder showed moderate internal consistency.
This is the first report to investigate the validity and reliability of the Korean-translated ICARS. Our results showed excellent construct and convergent validity. The reliability is also acceptable.
Review Articles
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Treatable Ataxias: How to Find the Needle in the Haystack?
Albert Stezin, Pramod Kumar Pal
J Mov Disord. 2022;15(3):206-226.   Published online September 7, 2022
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Treatable ataxias are a group of ataxic disorders with specific treatments. These disorders include genetic and metabolic disorders, immune-mediated ataxic disorders, and ataxic disorders associated with infectious and parainfectious etiology, vascular causes, toxins and chemicals, and endocrinopathies. This review provides a comprehensive overview of different treatable ataxias. The major metabolic and genetic treatable ataxic disorders include ataxia with vitamin E deficiency, abetalipoproteinemia, cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, Niemann-Pick disease type C, autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia due to coenzyme Q10 deficiency, glucose transporter type 1 deficiency, and episodic ataxia type 2. The treatment of these disorders includes the replacement of deficient cofactors and vitamins, dietary modifications, and other specific treatments. Treatable ataxias with immune-mediated etiologies include gluten ataxia, anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody-associated ataxia, steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis, Miller-Fisher syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration. Although dietary modification with a gluten-free diet is adequate in gluten ataxia, other autoimmune ataxias are managed by short-course steroids, plasma exchange, or immunomodulation. For autoimmune ataxias secondary to malignancy, treatment of tumor can reduce ataxic symptoms. Chronic alcohol consumption, antiepileptics, anticancer drugs, exposure to insecticides, heavy metals, and recreational drugs are potentially avoidable and treatable causes of ataxia. Infective and parainfectious causes of cerebellar ataxias include acute cerebellitis, postinfectious ataxia, Whipple’s disease, meningoencephalitis, and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. These disorders are treated with steroids and antibiotics. Recognizing treatable disorders is of paramount importance when dealing with ataxias given that early treatment can prevent permanent neurological sequelae.


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  • The role of α-tocopherol in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease
    Michał Pelczarski, Szymon Wolaniuk, Monika Zaborska, Jakub Sadowski, Anna Sztangreciak-Lehun, Rafał Jakub Bułdak
    Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Dennis Yeow, Laura I. Rudaks, Sue-Faye Siow, Ryan L. Davis, Kishore R. Kumar
    Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Genetically Proven Ataxia With Vitamin E Deficiency With Predominant Cervicobrachial Dystonic Presentation: A Case Report From India
    Vikram V. Holla, Sandeep Gurram, Sneha D. Kamath, Gautham Arunachal, Nitish Kamble, Ravi Yadav, Pramod Kumar Pal
    Journal of Movement Disorders.2024; 17(2): 220.     CrossRef
  • Rehabilitation in Ataxia
    Anupam Gupta, Navin B. Prakash, Hafis Rahman
    Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.2023; 33(1): 21.     CrossRef
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Immune-Mediated Cerebellar Ataxias: Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Based on Immunological and Physiological Mechanisms
Hiroshi Mitoma, Mario Manto, Marios Hadjivassiliou
J Mov Disord. 2021;14(1):10-28.   Published online January 12, 2021
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Since the first description of immune-mediated cerebellar ataxias (IMCAs) by Charcot in 1868, several milestones have been reached in our understanding of this group of neurological disorders. IMCAs have diverse etiologies, such as gluten ataxia, postinfectious cerebellitis, paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration, opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, anti-GAD ataxia, and primary autoimmune cerebellar ataxia. The cerebellum, a vulnerable autoimmune target of the nervous system, has remarkable capacities (collectively known as the cerebellar reserve, closely linked to plasticity) to compensate and restore function following various pathological insults. Therefore, good prognosis is expected when immune-mediated therapeutic interventions are delivered during early stages when the cerebellar reserve can be preserved. However, some types of IMCAs show poor responses to immunotherapies, even if such therapies are introduced at an early stage. Thus, further research is needed to enhance our understanding of the autoimmune mechanisms underlying IMCAs, as such research could potentially lead to the development of more effective immunotherapies. We underscore the need to pursue the identification of robust biomarkers.


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    Current Opinion in Neurology.2024; 37(3): 322.     CrossRef
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  • Onconeural antibody-associated cerebellar ataxia: An analysis
    Rohan Mahale, Sandeep M, Anitha Mahadevan, Nitish Kamble, Vikram Holla, Pramod K. Pal, Ravi Yadav
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    Heliyon.2023; 9(3): e13725.     CrossRef
  • Consensus Paper: Latent Autoimmune Cerebellar Ataxia (LACA)
    Mario Manto, Marios Hadjivassiliou, José Fidel Baizabal-Carvallo, Christiane S Hampe, Jerome Honnorat, Bastien Joubert, Hiroshi Mitoma, Sergio Muñiz-Castrillo, Aasef G. Shaikh, Alberto Vogrig
    The Cerebellum.2023; 23(2): 838.     CrossRef
  • Proinflammatory activation of microglia in the cerebellum hyperexcites Purkinje cells to trigger ataxia
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  • Immune-mediated ataxias: Guide to clinicians
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    Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.2023; 117: 105861.     CrossRef
  • Gluten Ataxia: an Underdiagnosed Condition
    Marios Hadjivassiliou, R. A. Grϋnewald
    The Cerebellum.2022; 21(4): 620.     CrossRef
  • Clinical Problem Solving: Decreased Level of Consciousness and Unexplained Hydrocephalus
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  • Pharmacotherapy of cerebellar and vestibular disorders
    João Lemos, Mario Manto
    Current Opinion in Neurology.2022; 35(1): 118.     CrossRef
  • Advances in the Pathogenesis of Auto-antibody-Induced Cerebellar Synaptopathies
    Hiroshi Mitoma, Mario Manto
    The Cerebellum.2022; 22(1): 129.     CrossRef
  • A Breakdown of Immune Tolerance in the Cerebellum
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  • Diagnosis and Clinical Features in Autoimmune-Mediated Movement Disorders
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    Journal of Movement Disorders.2022; 15(2): 95.     CrossRef
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Case Report
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New Nonsense Variant c.2983G>T; p.Glu995* in the CACNA1A Gene Causes Progressive Autosomal Dominant Ataxia
Yannic Saathoff, Saskia Biskup, Claudia Funke, Christian Roth
J Mov Disord. 2021;14(1):70-74.   Published online October 31, 2020
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The genetic testing of hereditary ataxias includes screening for CAG-repeat expansions as well as pathogenic variants and nontranslated oligonucleotide expansion, which can cause spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). Genotype-phenotype correlations of several SCA subtypes are difficult to establish, and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we report a 58-year-old male patient who presented with severe generalized ataxia, horizontal gaze-evoked nystagmus, cognitive impairment and a positive family history of gait difficulties. Genetic panel diagnostics revealed a new nonsense pathogenic variant in the CACNA1A gene (c.2983G>T; p. Glu995*) that segregated with the phenotype in three clinically affected family members. This gene is related to SCA type 6 (SCA6), episodic ataxia type 2, familial hemiplegic migraine type 1, among others. When it is supported by the clinical findings and family history, additional DNA sequencing beyond fragment length analysis should be performed.


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Future of Tanscranial Magnetic Stimulation in Movement Disorders: Introduction of Novel Methods
Yoshikazu Ugawa, Yasushi Shimo, Yasuo Terao
J Mov Disord. 2020;13(2):115-117.   Published online April 6, 2020
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    Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
Review Article
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Progressive Supranuclear Palsy with Predominant Cerebellar Ataxia
Shoichiro Ando, Masato Kanazawa, Osamu Onodera
J Mov Disord. 2020;13(1):20-26.   Published online December 19, 2019
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Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is characterized by supranuclear gaze palsy, dystonic rigidity of the neck and upper trunk, frequent falls and mild cognitive impairment. Cerebellar ataxia is one of the exclusion criteria given by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. As a result, pathologically proven PSP patients exhibiting cerebellar ataxia have often been misdiagnosed with spinocerebellar degeneration, specifically multiple system atrophy with predominant cerebellar ataxia (MSA-C). However, more recently, it has been recognized that patients with PSP can present with truncal and limb ataxia as their initial symptom and/or main manifestation. These patients can be classified as having PSP with predominant cerebellar ataxia (PSP-C), a new subtype of PSP. Since the development of this classification, patients with PSP-C have been identified primarily in Asian countries, and it has been noted that this condition is very rare in Western communities. Furthermore, the clinical features of PSP-C have been identified, enabling it to be distinguished from other subtypes of PSP and MSA-C. In this review, we describe the clinical and neuropathological features of PSP-C. The hypothesized pathophysiology of cerebellar ataxia in PSP-C is also discussed.


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  • Cerebellar ataxia in progressive supranuclear palsy: a clinico-pathological case report
    David Crosiers, Anne Sieben, Sarah Ceyssens, Paul M. Parizel, Jonathan Baets
    Acta Neurologica Belgica.2021; 121(2): 599.     CrossRef
  • Progressive supranuclear palsy
    N.V. Fedorova, E.V. Bril, T.K. Kulua, A.D. Mikhaylova
    Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova.2021; 121(5): 111.     CrossRef
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    New England Journal of Medicine.2021; 385(2): 165.     CrossRef
  • Evolving concepts in progressive supranuclear palsy and other 4-repeat tauopathies
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    Nature Reviews Neurology.2021; 17(10): 601.     CrossRef
  • Tauopathy and Movement Disorders—Unveiling the Chameleons and Mimics
    Jacky Ganguly, Mandar Jog
    Frontiers in Neurology.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
Original Article
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Increased Signal in the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle of Patients with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Hiroshi Kataoka, Yukako Nishimori, Takao Kiriyama, Hitoki Nanaura, Tesseki Izumi, Nobuyuki Eura, Naoki Iwasa, Kazuma Sugie
J Mov Disord. 2019;12(3):166-171.   Published online August 9, 2019
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The provisional diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) depends on a combination of typical clinical features and specific MRI findings, such as atrophy of the tegmentum in the midbrain. Atrophy of the superior cerebellar peduncle (SCP) distinguishes PSP from other types of parkinsonism. Histological factors affect the conventional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) signals, such as the extent of neuronal loss and gliosis.
We investigated patients with PSP to verify the percentage of patients with various PSP phenotypes presenting a high signal intensity in the SCP. Three interviewers, who were not informed about the clinical data, visually inspected the presence or absence of a high signal intensity in the SCP on the FLAIR images. We measured the pixel value in the SCP of each patient. Clinical characteristics were evaluated using the Mann-Whitney test, followed by the χ2 test.
Ten of the 51 patients with PSP showed a high signal intensity in the SCP on FLAIR MRI. Higher pixel values were observed within the SCP of patients with a high signal intensity in the SCP than in patients without a high signal intensity (p < 0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of the high signal intensity in the SCP of patients with PSP was 19.6% and 100%, respectively. This finding was more frequently observed in patients with PSP with Richardson’s syndrome (PSP-RS) (25.7%) than other phenotypes (6.2%).
The high signal intensity in the SCP on FLAIR MRI might be an effective diagnostic tool for PSP-RS.


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  • Diffusion tractography of superior cerebellar peduncle and dentatorubrothalamic tracts in two autopsy confirmed progressive supranuclear palsy variants: Richardson syndrome and the speech-language variant
    Rodolfo G. Gatto, Peter R. Martin, Farwa Ali, Heather M. Clark, Joseph R. Duffy, Rene L. Utianski, Hugo Botha, Mary M. Machulda, Dennis W. Dickson, Keith A. Josephs, Jennifer L. Whitwell
    NeuroImage: Clinical.2022; 35: 103030.     CrossRef
  • The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Atypical Parkinsonism
    Lydia Chougar, Nadya Pyatigorskaya, Bertrand Degos, David Grabli, Stéphane Lehéricy
    Frontiers in Neurology.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
Brief communication
Assessment of Bone Mineral Density of Patients with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3
Aline MS Farias, Simone Appenzeller, Marcondes C França, Alberto RM Martinez, Elba E Etchebehere, Thiago F Souza, Allan O Santos
J Mov Disord. 2019;12(1):43-46.   Published online January 30, 2019
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Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is a spinocerebellar ataxia, and osteoporosis is a multifactor disease that may affect patients with neurologic conditions. The frequency of osteoporosis among MJD patients, however, has not been studied. The purpose of this study is to evaluate bone mineral density (BMD) and identify correlations between clinical factors and frequency of vertebral fractures in patients with MJD.
Clinical data, lumbar X-rays and BMD data were obtained in 30 patients with MJD.
Ten patients (33.3%) showed low BMD in at least one of the sites studied based on Z-scores. The Z-score correlated directly with body mass index, and the femoral neck Z-score was inversely correlated with cytosine-adenine-guanine (CAG) expansion. There was no correlation between BMD and other clinical factors. Forty-three percent of the patients reported previous pathologic fractures. Five patients (16.7%) had at least one fracture detected by lumbar X-ray.
Low BMD and fractures are frequent among MJD patients, and careful management of BMD may be beneficial for these patients.


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  • Overview of the Clinical Approach to Individuals With Cerebellar Ataxia and Neuropathy
    Leslie J. Roberts, Michael McVeigh, Linda Seiderer, Ian H. Harding, Louise A. Corben, Martin Delatycki, David J. Szmulewicz
    Neurology Genetics.2022;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Effects of Neurological Disorders on Bone Health
    Ryan R. Kelly, Sara J. Sidles, Amanda C. LaRue
    Frontiers in Psychology.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
Original Articles
The ‘Hot Cross Bun’ Sign Is Not Always Multiple System Atrophy: Etiologies of 11 Cases
Christopher Way, David Pettersson, Amie Hiller
J Mov Disord. 2019;12(1):27-30.   Published online December 19, 2018
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To clarify the specificity of the ‘hot cross bun’ sign (HCBS) for multiple system atrophy (MSA) in adult cerebellar ataxia or parkinsonism.
The radiologic information systems at an academic center and affiliated veterans’ hospital were queried using the keywords ‘hot cross bun,’ ‘pontocerebellar,’ ‘cruciate,’ ‘cruciform,’ ‘MSA,’ ‘multiple system atrophy,’ and ‘multisystem atrophy.’ Scans were reviewed by a neurologist and neuroradiologist to identify the HCBS. Subjects with the HCBS were reviewed by 2 neurologists to identify the most likely etiology of the patient’s neurologic symptoms.
Eleven cases were identified. Etiologies included MSA (4 probable, 2 possible), hereditary cerebellar ataxia (3/11), probable dementia with Lewy bodies (1/11), and uncertain despite autopsy (1/11).
MSA was the most common etiology. However, 5 of the 11 patients did not have MSA. The most common alternate etiology was an undefined hereditary cerebellar ataxia (3/11).


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  • Differential value of brain magnetic resonance imaging in multiple system atrophy cerebellar phenotype and spinocerebellar ataxias
    Minkyeong Kim, Jong Hyeon Ahn, Yoonsu Cho, Ji Sun Kim, Jinyoung Youn, Jin Whan Cho
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Genetic Screening for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Genes in a Japanese Single-Hospital Cohort
Ryuji Sakakibara, Fuyuki Tateno, Masahiko Kishi, Yohei Tsuyusaki, Yosuke Aiba, Hitoshi Terada, Tsutomu Inaoka, Setsu Sawai, Satoshi Kuwabara, Fumio Nomura
J Mov Disord. 2017;10(3):116-122.   Published online August 8, 2017
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Diagnosis of sporadic cerebellar ataxia is a challenge for neurologists. A wide range of potential causes exist, including chronic alcohol use, multiple system atrophy of cerebellar type (MSA-C), and sporadic late cortical cerebellar atrophy. Recently, an autosomal-dominant spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) mutation was identified in a cohort of patients with non-MSA-C sporadic cerebellar ataxia. The aim of this study is to genetically screen genes involved in SCA in a Japanese single-hospital cohort.
Over an 8-year period, 140 patients with cerebellar ataxia were observed. There were 109 patients with sporadic cerebellar ataxia (no family history for at least four generations, 73 patients with MSA-C, and 36 patients with non-MSA-C sporadic cerebellar ataxia) and 31 patients with familial cerebellar ataxia. We performed gene analysis comprising SCA1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 17, 31, and dentatorubro-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) in 28 of 31 non-MSA-C sporadic patients who requested the test. Familial patients served as a control.
Gene abnormalities were found in 57% of non-MSA-C sporadic cerebellar ataxia cases. Among patients with sporadic cerebellar ataxia, abnormalities in SCA6 were the most common (36%), followed by abnormalities in SCA1 (7.1%), SCA2 (3.6%), SCA3 (3.6%), SCA8 (3.6%), and DRPLA (3.6%). In contrast, gene abnormalities were found in 75% of familial cerebellar ataxia cases, with abnormalities in SCA6 being the most common (29%). For sporadic versus familial cases for those with SCA6 abnormalities, the age of onset was older (69 years vs. 59 years, respectively), and CAG repeat length was shorter (23 vs. 25, respectively) in the former than in the latter (not statistically significant).
Autosomal-dominant mutations in SCA genes, particularly in SCA6, are not rare in sporadic cerebellar ataxia. The reason for the frequency of mutations in SCA6 remains unclear; however, the reason may reflect a higher age at onset and variable penetrance of SCA6 mutations.


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  • Genetic profiles of multiple system atrophy revealed by exome sequencing, long‐read sequencing and spinocerebellar ataxia repeat expansion analysis
    Xu‐Ying Li, Hong Lai, Xian Li, Fanxi Xu, Yang Song, Zhanjun Wang, Qibin Li, Ruichai Lin, Zhiheng Xu, Chaodong Wang
    European Journal of Neurology.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • MRI CNS Atrophy Pattern and the Etiologies of Progressive Ataxias
    Mario Mascalchi
    Tomography.2022; 8(1): 423.     CrossRef
  • An atypical course of a 71-year old man with right arm weakness and ataxia: Expert commentary
    Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim
    Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.2022; 105: 157.     CrossRef
  • A novel clinicopathologic entity causing rapidly progressive cerebellar ataxia?
    Shunsuke Koga, Shan Ali, Matthew C. Baker, Klaas J. Wierenga, Michelle Dompenciel, Dennis W. Dickson, Zbigniew K. Wszolek
    Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.2022; 105: 149.     CrossRef
  • The First Case of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 8 in Monozygotic Twins
    Jun Sawada, Takayuki Katayama, Takashi Tokashiki, Shiori Kikuchi, Kohei Kano, Kae Takahashi, Tsukasa Saito, Yoshiki Adachi, Yuji Okamoto, Akiko Yoshimura, Hiroshi Takashima, Naoyuki Hasebe
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    Translational Neurodegeneration.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
Review Article
Hereditary Cerebellar Ataxias: A Korean Perspective
Ji Sun Kim, Jin Whan Cho
J Mov Disord. 2015;8(2):67-75.   Published online May 31, 2015
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Hereditary ataxia is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by progressive ataxia combined with/without peripheral neuropathy, extrapyramidal symptoms, pyramidal symptoms, seizure, and multiple systematic involvements. More than 35 autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias have been designated as spinocerebellar ataxia, and there are 55 recessive ataxias that have not been named systematically. Conducting genetic sequencing to confirm a diagnosis is difficult due to the large amount of subtypes with phenotypic overlap. The prevalence of hereditary ataxia can vary among countries, and estimations of prevalence and subtype frequencies are necessary for planning a diagnostic strategy in a specific population. This review covers the various hereditary ataxias reported in the Korean population with a focus on the prevalence and subtype frequencies as the clinical characteristics of the various subtypes.


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  • MRl and MRS hints for the differentiation of cerebellar multiple system atrophy from spinocerebellar ataxia type II
    Hung-Chieh Chen, Li-Hua Lee, Jiing-Feng Lirng, Bing-wen Soong
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  • Discovery of a de novo ITPR1 missense mutation in a patient with early‐onset cerebellar ataxia: A rare case report of spinocerebellar ataxia 29
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  • The Etiologies of Chronic Progressive Cerebellar Ataxia in a Korean Population
    Ji Sun Kim, Soonwook Kwon, Chang-Seok Ki, Jinyoung Youn, Jin Whan Cho
    Journal of Clinical Neurology.2018; 14(3): 374.     CrossRef
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    Fernanda Aparecida Maggi, Pedro Braga-Neto, Hsin Fen Chien, Maria Thereza Drumond Gama, Flávio Moura Rezende Filho, Maria Luiza Saraiva-Pereira, Laura Bannach Jardim, Mariana Callil Voos, José Luiz Pedroso, Orlando Graziani Povoas Barsottini
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  • The c-Abl inhibitor, nilotinib, as a potential therapeutic agent for chronic cerebellar ataxia
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    Journal of Neuroimmunology.2017; 309: 82.     CrossRef
  • Genetic Variants Associated with Episodic Ataxia in Korea
    Kwang-Dong Choi, Ji-Soo Kim, Hyo-Jung Kim, Ileok Jung, Seong-Hae Jeong, Seung-Han Lee, Dong Uk Kim, Sang-Ho Kim, Seo Young Choi, Jin-Hong Shin, Dae-Seong Kim, Kyung-Pil Park, Hyang-Sook Kim, Jae-Hwan Choi
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  • Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia Type 1 without Oculomotor Apraxia: A Case Report
    Minwoo Lee, Nan Young Kim, Jin Young Huh, Young Eun Kim, Yun Joong Kim
    Journal of Clinical Neurology.2016; 12(1): 126.     CrossRef
Case Report
A Case of Multiple System Atrophy-Cerebellar Type Preceded by Dementia
Eun Hye Jang, Joo Kyung Lee, Hyun Jung Jang, Mi-Jung Kim, Sun Ju Chung
J Mov Disord. 2012;5(2):48-52.
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Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a sporadic, adult-onset disease characterized by progressive degeneration of nervous systems including cerebellar, pyramidal, extrapyramidal, and autonomic system. Although a few recent studies reported that cognitive impairments could occur in patients with MSA, prominent dementia with progressive decline is not a typical clinical manifestation of MSA. In particular, dementia with MSA-cerebellar type is very rare. We have experienced a patient with 2-year history of severe cognitive impairment, who was finally diagnosed as MSA-cerebellar type.


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  • Delivering the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy: a multicenter survey on Japanese neurologists’ perspectives
    Miki Yoshitake, Atsuhiko Sugiyama, Takayoshi Shimohata, Nobuyuki Araki, Masahide Suzuki, Kazumoto Shibuya, Kengo Nagashima, Nobutaka Hattori, Satoshi Kuwabara
    BMC Neurology.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Norihisa Maeda, Hiroyuki Honda, Satoshi O. Suzuki, Naoki Fujii, Jun‐ichi Kira, Toru Iwaki
    Neuropathology.2018; 38(4): 361.     CrossRef
  • Mechanisms and prevention of sudden death in multiple system atrophy
    Takayoshi Shimohata, Naotaka Aizawa, Hideaki Nakayama, Hiroshige Taniguchi, Yasuyoshi Ohshima, Hitoshi Okumura, Tetsuya Takahashi, Akio Yokoseki, Makoto Inoue, Masatoyo Nishizawa
    Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.2016;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Erin E. Robertson, Deborah A. Hall, Andrew R. McAsey, Joan A. O’Keefe
    The Clinical Neuropsychologist.2016; 30(6): 849.     CrossRef
Original Article
Preliminary Study of Intravenous Amantadine Treatment for Ataxia Management in Patients with Probable Multiple System Atrophy with Predominant Cerebellar Ataxia
Jinyoung Youn, Hyeeun Shin, Ji Sun Kim, Jin Whan Cho
J Mov Disord. 2012;5(1):1-4.
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Background and Purpose:

Multiple system atrophy with predominant cerebellar ataxia is a disabling neurologic disease. However, effective management has not yet been established. We conducted a short-term, open-label preliminary study to assess the benefits of intravenous amantadine treatment in patients with probable multiple system atrophy with predominant cerebellar ataxia.


Twenty patients (10 male, 10 female) with probable multiple system atrophy with predominant cerebellar ataxia received 400 mg of amantadine by intravenous per day for 5 days. Ataxia severity was evaluated by the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale before and after intravenous amantadine therapy and all subjects reported subjective improvement after intravenous amantadine treatment using a patient global impression scale. We analyzed the total and subscale scores by the ataxia scale and patient global impression scale.


The mean age was 57.4 years (range: 47–72) and the mean disease duration was 30.8 months (range: 11–79). The ataxia severity significantly decreased after intravenous amantadine therapy from 42.5 to 37.3 (p < 0.001). The mean patient global impression scale for improvement was 2.9 and there were no side effects of intravenous amantadine treatment observed. When we assessed responders, the duration of intravenous amantadine effect was more than 1 month in 4 subjects of 7 responders.


Our findings suggest that intravenous amantadine treatment can be a safe management option in cerebellar ataxia, although the mechanism is unclear. Thus, further double-blind, long-term studies with a larger sample size are needed.


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